LED Dot Matrix Message Display or SMS based Electronic Notice Board

Rs. 0.00

In today’s world LED dot matrix are mostly used as they can display both static & animated text and images. You have seen them in trains, buses, metros and digital advertisement boards. In dot matrix, LEDs are arranged in form of matrix. LED dot matrix is available in many different dimensions’ like 5x7, 8x8, 16x16, 128x32 and 128x64. By arranging the LEDs in matrix form, it requires less pins of microcontroller. If we arrange 64 LEDs in 8x8 matrix form then it requires only 11 pins of microcontroller to drive the LEDs.

In this project 8 LED dot matrixes are connected with microcontroller. An EEPROM is interfaced with microcontroller to store the message which we want to display. Message scrolls from right to left. We can feed the message (we want to display) into our microcontroller through hyper terminal by interfacing serial port of microcontroller with serial port of PC. We can also interface GSM MODEM with microcontroller. So, the project becomes SMS based Electronic Notice Board.

LED Dot Matrix Message Display

Block Diagram of SMS based Electronics Notice Board